cradle of civilization造句

"cradle of civilization"是什么意思   


  1. Because this is the cradle of civilization ,
  2. Cairo , the cradle of civilization , the melting pot1 of ancient and modern egyptian civilizations
  3. You would know this place as the cradle of civilization , the story of adam and eve and their descendents
  4. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream
  5. This is cairo ? a cradle of civilization , a wellspring16 of culture , and a meeting - place of the asian , african , and european world
  6. It's difficult to find cradle of civilization in a sentence. 用cradle of civilization造句挺难的
  7. To come to china , one of the early cradles of civilization , has long been my dream and therefore , i fell very honored to be your guest
  8. 3 to come to china , one of the early cradles of civilization , has long been my dream and therefore , i feel very honored to be your guest
  9. This epic visual and musical journey , produced for the imax screen , transcends history , from the cradle of civilization to modern day paris
  10. According to sitchen , the nibiruans landed on earth , colonized it , mining the earth for gold and other minerals , establishing a spaceport in what today is the iraq - iran area - the cradle of civilization - and lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony
    根据西特切,尼比奴人着陆于地球,使之成为殖民地,开采地球的黄金和其他矿物质,建立太空船发射降落场,就像今天的伊拉克?伊朗地区? ?文明的摇篮? ?作为一个小的殖民地而住在一种唯心主义的社会里面。
  11. Introduction : human ancient cradle of civilization - africa , with numerous ancient heritage and culture , the mysterious totem mask . each of the african tourist who are hoping to get souvenirs , now , if you are willing to use their brains and spend a little late effort you can see with their own eyes african mask , the special charm , not to hurry
    人类古文明的发源地之一“非洲” ,拥有无数古老传统和文化,神秘的图腾面具,是每个到非洲旅游的人都希望得到的纪念品,现在,只要你肯开动脑筋,花上一小会儿功夫,你也能亲眼目睹“非洲面具”的特殊魅力,还不快来看看!
  12. Human ancient cradle of civilization - africa , with numerous ancient heritage and culture , the mysterious totem mask . each of the african tourist who are hoping to get souvenirs , now , if you are willing to use their brains and spend a little late effort you can see with their own eyes african mask , the special charm , not to hurry
    人类古文明的发源地之一“非洲” ,拥有无数古老传统和文化,神秘的图腾面具,是每个到非洲旅游的人都希望得到的纪念品,现在,只要你肯开动脑筋,花上一小会儿功夫,你也能亲眼目睹“非洲面具”的特殊魅力,还不快来看看!


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